The Corner

Bibi: Iran Nuke Deal Could ‘Change History’

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said striking a nuclear deal with Iran will “change history.”

If the Obama administration cuts a deal that lifts most sanctions currently imposed on the regime in Tehran while allowing the mullahs to keep most of their nuclear capabilities, he told NBC’s David Gregory, “it would be a monumental mistake.”

“I hope it doesn’t come to pass,” he said. “This would change history.”

Talks between Iran and six world powers, including the U.S., will resume in Vienna on July 2. Iran has already rejected a proposal to lift sanctions in exchange for curbing its nuclear capabilities, calling the demands “excessive.”

Netanyahu cited the deal brokered between the U.S. and Syria over the removal of chemical weapons from that country as an example of what American officials should aim for in their negotiations with Iran. “You did remove the bulk of the weapons and soon all of the weapons,” he said.

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