The Corner

Beyond the Stereotype

As a side note to my weekend column, the National Post of Canada reports:

A Quebec activist who fought the stereotyping of Muslims was charged with supporting terrorism on Friday after an RCMP investigation linked her to an alleged scheme to smuggle weapons to Hezbollah…

Prior to her arrest, Ms. Diab was vice-president of the Association of Young Lebanese Muslims. Her activism was focused partly on changing the stereotypes that too often associate Muslims with terrorism and violence.

Oh, well. Another anti-stereotypist bites the dust.

Firearms parts were found in her luggage at Montreal airport on May 19, 2011. “Based on gathered evidence it is also alleged that she was shipping firearms parts through people in her community traveling to Lebanon. The victims were unaware of the contents of the packages they were carrying for the accused,” the RCMP said.

Had she been more stereotypical, she’d have shipped the parts through the “people in her community”’s underwear. So there is that.

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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