The Corner

Berg’s Dad

From a reader:

I’m generally willing to give Nick Berg’s dad a free pass on his bizarre

commentary. I literally can’t even complete the thought of my son being

murdered in the way that his was. I think it would just about drive me

insane, and I wouldn’t be operating rationally, and its likely that I’d

say some crazy things, too. And I think that is what is happening with

Nick Berg’s dad, so I don’t want to see people harshly criticize someone

suffering as deeply as he is.

But the question is, if we can agree that the guy is being

(understandably) irrational, then why are people putting microphones in

front of his face??? Once his comments are out there, which are

perfectly consistent with the sort of things that ANSWER, etc. has been

saying all along, I think it needs to be refuted and exposed for the

silliness that it is. I don’t want it to be done, but the news

organizations who are putting his comments out there are almost forcing

our hands. Why not let the Berg family mourn in at least some amount of

privacy? I suspect its at least in part because the media likes the

anti-Bush message.

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