The Corner

Behold The Usefulness of the Corner

Slow Friday at the office? Wanna impress your friends? Well, I’ve got the real-world timewaster for you. Follow these simple steps:

1. Without anyone watching you and while sitting where you are at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make Clockwise Circles.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number “6″ in the air with your Right Hand. Your foot will change direction, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Nothing! Nothing I tell you! Now, go forth and dazzle your cubemates with this. Update: From a reader:

I hate to spoil your fun but you would be well advised to specify that the 6 must be drawn from the top down. Because if you draw it from the circle up, your foot doesn’t change direction. Cheers! And keep those timewasters coming.

Another Update: Several readers report it doesn’t work, that they can  keep their foot moving rightward. Here’s one:

Must have faulty synapses. I tried it and my foot slowed a bit but kept going in clockwise circles.

Just to be sure, I repeated it twice more with the same result, although my head did spin completely around and I vomited green bile.

Me: Uh Oh. Did I forget to mention that if you do this three times successfully, you’ll be dead within the hour? It operates on a similar principle to the quart-of-blood technique mentioned in Trading Places and, of course, the famed five fingers of death. Only in this case your spleen will pass completely out of right ear. Death usually follows quickly.

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