The Corner

Be Vigilant

From a $1,000 (!) contributor to National Review Online

NRO is my preferred source for information, analysis, and discussion of the issues of the day.  Rarely a weekday passes when I do not review the articles, the Corner, Campaign Spot, and Bench Memos.  Steyn, VDH, McCarthy, Nordlinger, and Whelan are briliantly cogent in their observations and commentary — worth my contribution on their own. Of course, once one starts to list favorites, inevitably many deserving mention are not so identified.  

It has become a mantra to describe the 2012 election as the most important in a decade, this generation, our lives, the history of the republic, etc. To be sure, the country faces significant challenges and elections are the primary vehicle for people to demand policy changes.  The 2012 election is an important opportunity for the conservative movement, but the ideas underlying conservative policies and solutions to our country’s problems are the product of years, decades, or sometime, even generations of work.  National Review and NRO are an important part of that process.  Stay vigilant and keep up the good work.

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