The Corner

Battleground MSM

The mainstream media is now the key to the battle against Canada’s so-called human rights commissions. Despite the sensation on the blogosphere, the Ezra Levant inquisition is being ignored by big media in Canada, and here. Also, there have been almost no opinion pieces actually defending the actions of Canada’s human rights commissions in the cases of Steyn and Levant. Rather than report a story that exposes the noxious fruits of political correctness, and that could anger Muslims to boot, the liberal media remains silent.

This is a bad sign, but paradoxically also a hopeful one. The media has dropped the ball on this, but their very silence, along with the absence of outright defenses of HRC’s in the matters of Steyn and Levant, indicates that if and when these cases do break fully into public view, Canada’s human rights commissions could be in trouble. When silence is your only defense, you are vulnerable. This televised defense of both Steyn and Levant is a good sign. On the other hand, the huge set of comments below the transcript likely represent just the sort of fracas the Canadian media is hoping to avoid by suppressing this story.

Stanley Kurtz is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
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