The Corner

The Base Has Spoken

Since I wrote about Palin below, I’ve been getting a nonstop barrage of reader emails all around one theme — McCain done good:

Awesomely Awesome!!!I just gave McCain some money for the first time.


Add me to the list of people who just went from “Will vote for McCain as lesser of two evils” to “Will donate and volunteer for his campaign”.


I just sent a personal check payable to “Palin for Vice President” to the McCain campaign headquarters. Until the selection of Governor Palin, I was prepared to sit out the presidential election – and I am lifelong Republican who cast his first presidential vote for Barry Goldwater in 1964. I hope others do likewise to underscore the importance and value of a ticket that represents traditional Republican views and values.


Conservative Evangelical here. Long time NR subscriber and on line viewer. Reagan alt. delegate in 1976 and simply thrilled with the pick. Huckabee first choice. Palin a close second. Brilliant move on McCain’s part. Kathryn J. Lopez said this may be the day the conservatives reclaimed our party. Cudos to Big Mac, the next President. Best wishes to NR.

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