The Corner

The Baghdad Candy Massacre

It was the *Americans* who massacred all those kids in Iraq yesterday. So

say the Iraqis:

“Terrified parents rushed to the scene. Some witnesses said U.S. troops and

Iraqi national guardsmen, panicked by the succession of blasts, fired on the

crowd, killing at least two people.

“Ten American soldiers were also woulded in the blasts, two of them

seriously. But that was not enough to convince furious fathers and uncles

that the Americans themseves had not staged the massacre.

“‘It was the Americans who did it, because the blast happened after they

left,’ said Yassin. ‘None of them were killed.’

“The uncle of another wounded boy said the Americans ‘want to exterminate

the Iraqi people. They think Iraq will be against them forever, and

children are the future of Iraq.’”

—-New York Post (print edition)

These people are, of course, being stupidly naive. While it was undoubtedly

Americans who set off the bombs, the inspiration and planning of the

atrocity were the work of Jews. Isn’t it obvious?….

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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