The Corner

Bad Taste Central

It’s nice to know that we can always depend on South Park for the occasional

(please) dash of bad taste to spice up our daily grapplings with the big,

serious matters of the world.

In last night’s episode, Kenny was the only one of the crowd to get his

hands on the newest PlayStation gadget. Playing night and day, he got up to

an incredible Level 54 in the new Heaven versus Hell game. Then he was run

over by a truck. His soul went to Heaven, where the archangels explained

that the armies of Hell were massing for an attack, and God had sent the new

PlayStation to earth in hopes of finding someone who could outwit Satan.

Kenny was that person. He started playing in earnest as the Hell army

marched. But then the hospital, by heroic measures, resuscitated him, and

his soul, to the dismay of all the Heavenly folk, went back to earth. He

was, however, in a persistent vegetative state, on a feeding tube. Cartman,

who had wanted the PlayStation for himself, enlists a bunch of judges on his

behalf, to get the feeding tube pulled out so Kenny can die and Cartman can

inherit the PlayStation….

However do they think this stuff up?

One nice touch: Kenny’s lawyer finds a living will he’d left. In it, Kenny

specified that if he should ever be totally incapacitated, his guardians

should not turn the situation into a media circus.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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