The Corner

Bad Advertising

The question HSBC poses here is: “Isn’t it better to be open to other people’s point of view?” This type of warm-and-fuzzy thinking is prevalent throughout the entire advertising campaign website

We believe that difference is what makes us who we are. That’s why we have created this web site: to highlight some of the world’s more intriguing differences — and celebrate them.

How exactly do people celebrate their differences? Spending $300 million dollars on an advertising campaign is one way. Unfortunately, like most things poorly reasoned, this advertising campaign doesn’t stand a reality test. Forgive me thinking their logic through with a sample ad (especially given HSBC has directly fallen victim to terror):

Nathan GouldingNathan Goulding is the Chief Technology Officer of National Review. He often goes by “Chaka” in NRO’s popular blog The Corner. While having never attended a class in computer science, ...
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