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TODAY in NYC: OFA Volunteers to Hold Phone Bank Calling on Downstate Republican Representatives to Support the Affordable Care Act

OFA Volunteers Will Call Reps. Grimm, King and Hayworth Urging Them to Vote Against Health Care Repeal

New York, NY  – With the Republican vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act expected this week, Organizing for America volunteers in New York City will participate in a phone bank on Tuesday to call downstate Republican Representatives Grimm, Hayworth and King urging them to defend the historic health care legislation. OFA volunteers will fight with President Obama and Congressional Democrats to protect the Affordable Care Act they worked so hard to pass.

The Republican bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act would add trillions of dollars to the national deficit and mean millions of Americans, both young and old, would be subject to the discriminatory and draconian practices of health insurance companies. Young adults up to 26 would no longer be able to stay on their parents’ insurance, children with pre-existing conditions could be denied coverage, senior citizens would be forced pay more out of pocket for prescription drugs and lose their right to free preventive care and cancer screening.

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