The Corner

Back to Africa?

Rand Simberg makes a good point about Lanny Davis’ sudden discovery that Helen Thomas is that Helen Thomas. Davis says Thomas’ statement is like saying blacks should go back to Africa. Huh, says Simberg:

Third point. There is a bizarre flaw in his logic. If one wants to draw an analogy with blacks, it would certainly not be a call for the latter to go back to Africa. Africa, is, after all, whence the blacks (for the most part, ignoring Australian aborigines, etc) actually came. A similar call for Jews to go to their homeland would be for them to go to…wait for it…Israel. Last time I checked, neither Poland or Germany were their ancestral homelands. Those were places to which they were forced to go to be oppressed, and then murdered en masse, after the Diaspora.

This raises a point that had never occurred to me before. I get a lot of anti-Semitic email. A subset of this email says I should just give up the pretense and move to Israel. But there’s a problem with this suggestion. If I were to move to Israel (I’ve never even been there before, by the way), I would be adding to the problem. At least according to the Helen Thomases of the world. Sometimes you just can’t win.

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