The Corner


So angry, so tired. For reasons too complex to get into I ended up needless booking myself on the 6:20 AM flight out of Ithaca. So I woke up at 4:45. Went to sleep at 12:30 or so. I’m now at the lovely Ithaca Thompkins Regional Airport where the plane will be delayed for at least another hour and a half. Which means I could have slept for at least three more hours. Anyway, I’m bitter and cranky and I blame everybody. If you could run blame through a sprinkler system I would set it up right here in the lounge and drench everybody in a 200 foot radius of me. I consider all of these people suspect. What’s the guy with orange juice smiling for? The local newspaper can’t be that interesting dude. Oh yeah? You make me want to ….. rest zzzzzz.

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