The Corner

Are You There, Time Magazine? It’s Me, Blech

One of Time magazine’s 100 Best Books in the English language published since 1923 is, I kid you not, Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret, by Judy Blume. It’s bad enough that latter-day nonsense like David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest, Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Jonathan Franzen’s The Corrections is on the list alongside Fitzgerald, Dreiser, Amis, Waugh, Bellow and Roth, among others. But Judy Freakin’ Blume? Richard Lacayo and Lev Grossman, who compiled the list, have joined the ranks of the silliest people on the planet with this pick. (Oh, and there’s a comic book on there too, called Watchmen, which I am sure Jonah will inform me is a staggering work of genius.)

John Podhoretz, a New York Post columnist for 25 years, is the editor of Commentary.
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