The Corner


Are Our Universities Following the New Rules against DEI?

In a number of states, there has been a counterattack against the entrenched Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion bureaucracies in the state universities — which don’t just waste money, but help to spread a divisive, anti-liberty ideology.

In North Carolina, the UNC Board of Governors took the lead by declaring that DEI offices had to go. That’s good, but how have the schools reacted? In today’s Martin Center article, Ashlynn Warta investigates.

While it appears that school officials have not engaged in outright rebellion, neither have they embraced the spirit of the board’s decree. Warta writes:

Throughout the past few months, DEI websites and staff listings have been removed by constituent institutions, with some being replaced with offices that go by different names yet are made up of the same former DEI staff members. Some schools have yet to comment on any changes being made, while a few institutions have made public the closing of their DEI offices (specifically, UNC Charlotte, UNC Wilmington, and Appalachian State University). Overall, it doesn’t appear that any employees have been let go.

What does that mean? The people who sought jobs in DEI offices are zealots who are not going to stop pushing their ideology just because they’ve been reassigned elsewhere. Worse, it seems that NC State is ignoring the board and merely renaming its diversity office.

In short, UNC has just taken the first step toward getting rid of the contagion of DEI. Much more remains to be done.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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