The Corner

Anuzis, Priebus Jostle for Gingrich’s Approval

Two candidates for chair of the Republican National Committee — Saul Anuzis and Reince Priebus — both tout Newt Gingrich’s praise in their announcement videos — though Gingrich doesn’t explicitly endorse either of them in his statements.

Here’s Anuzis’s video, which features Gingrich’s calling him “one of the greatest state chairman in the Republican party” at 0:56.

And here’s Priebus’s, which highlights Gingrich’s observation that Priebus presided over “a profound victory in a historically difficult state” at 4:41.

Both candidates, it seems, would very much like to be Newt-approved. Also, is it me or is the background music oddly similar?

Brian Bolduc is a former editorial associate for National Review Online.
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