The Corner

Anti-Profiles in Courage

This isn’t a pretty picture, from the Washington Post:

When Sen. John E. Sununu (R-N.H.) saw reporters approaching him last week, he took off in a sprint, determined to say as little as possible about a nonbinding resolution opposing President Bush’s troop-escalation plan, which is expected to come before the Senate today.

“You know where I stand,” the senator, who is considered politically vulnerable back home, said repeatedly as he fled down stairways at the Capitol. “I’m still looking.”

The historic showdown to begin today represents the first bipartisan confrontation between Congress and the White House over the Iraq war since the invasion nearly four years ago. While the resolution will test the mettle of every member of the chamber, none will be challenged more than Sununu and the 19 other Senate Republicans facing reelection in 2008 — many from states where voters are angry with Bush’s war policy and want the troops to begin heading home.

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