The Corner

The Anti-Palin Olympics: A History

If you want a trip down Memory Lane, 2008 vintage, to relive the details of the mainstream media’s treatment of Sarah Palin, check out BreakPoint blog editor Gina Dalfonzo’s new book ‘Bring Her Down’: How the American Media Tried to Destroy Palin, available in paperback from Amazon’s print-on-demand service CreateSpace, and also in an Amazon Kindle version. (The Kindle version is only $2.99, and thus stands as a perfect symbol of the revolution that will transform publishing over the next few decades: The financial benefit to authors will decrease, but so will the obstacles to their ability to get their works before the public.) The book will give Palin fans and foes alike a quick rundown of many of the unkind things the MSM said about the ex-governor of Alaska. The fans will love it; the foes will probably wince occasionally at finding out that some of the reasons they dislike Palin are based on misunderstanding (or misreporting).

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