The Corner

Anti-Koch Group Uses Similar Tactics

At least one of the groups going after the Koch brothers isn’t above using the strategies they try to decry. Patriot Majority, which receives much of its funding from prominent liberal donors and unions, is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to combat the Koch’s so-called “greed agenda.” Russ Choma writes for Open Secrets Blog:

[I]n the galaxy of nondisclosing political entities, Patriot Majority plays in the big leagues. The group began running an ad this week – a $500,000 buy on national cable outlets, it says — attacking what it calls the conservative “Greed Agenda.”  In the ad, the narrator warns that “Billionaire oil tycoons Charles and David Koch and their special interest friends are spending $400 million to buy this year’s elections and advance their agenda!” Patriot Majority says it has several million dollars already in hand to fund the campaign.

It’s a battle of shadow money groups: The 501(c)(4) has been the preferred tool of the Koch brothers and other conservatives, allowing an unlimited amount of money to be spent while donors remain shrouded. But Patriot Majority’s backers are now as inscrutably invisible as those giving to any of the more numerous and well-known groups on the right, such as the Kochs’ Americans for Prosperity or the Karl Rove-connected Crossroads GPS

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