The Corner

Politics & Policy

GOP Nominee Donald Trump: A Preview

From my piece yesterday, in which I suggested that Donald Trump as the Republican nominee would be a gift from on high to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats:

It does not take a team of consultants to envision the general election if Trump were the Republican nominee. He would be a stubby-fingered gift to the Democratic party. They would call him anti-Hispanic, and they would put in attack ads his comments about Mexican “killers” and “rapists,” his threatening to deport American-born citizens of Hispanic origin, his shouting down a protester by asking if she’s “from Mexico,” his accusing a judge of opposing him because she’s Hispanic. They would call him racist, and they would cite his refusal to denounce David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan. They would call him “Islamophobic” and cite his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the country. They would call him sexist and cite his own books.

In short, Donald Trump would ensure that no Democrat had to run on policy or platform. Every Democrat — Hillary Clinton included — would simply run against Donald Trump.


The source is Our Principles PAC, a conservative, expressly anti-Trump group. Just imagine, then, what awaits from Democrats.

Donald Trump as the Republican nominee in all likelihood ensures that Republicans lose the White House, lose the Senate, lose many of their House seats — and spend the next generation out of power, sullied by their association with a “bigot” and “xenophobe.” Exactly which part of that is “winning”?

Ian Tuttle is a doctoral candidate at the Catholic University of America. He is completing a dissertation on T. S. Eliot.
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