The Corner

Another Thing about Biden’s Red Carpet for Jihadist ‘Migrants’

President Joe Biden addresses Morehouse College graduates during a commencement ceremony in Atlanta, Ga., May 19, 2024. (Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters)

We’ve lost our minds.

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I’m sorry I can’t let this go after posting on it yesterday, in reaction to Haley’s report about the eight Tajiks suspected of being terrorists, whom the Biden administration wants us to cheer the president for their apprehension after they were allowed to enter due to Biden’s reckless policies (as Rich rightly describes them).

Just thinking about the insanity of rationalizing that illegal aliens — people whose first interaction with our country is to violate our laws — should enjoy a presumption of innocence, a presumption that they will not pose a peril to our nation, when there is no known information that they are terrorists, terrorist-sympathizers, or criminals under circumstances where there is no known background information of any kind because the aliens come from countries in which there is no reliable recordkeeping, countries hostile to the United States which would not share reliable recordkeeping if they had it, and anti-Western societies in which behavior that would be illegal here is not illegal and, hence, would not result in a criminal rap sheet in any event.

I’ve heard Charlie speak a number of times on NR podcasts about the searching process he had to go through to emigrate legally. That is, someone who comes here from the nation that is our closest ally — a country with which we have as good a relationship of intelligence and law-enforcement data-sharing as we have with any in the world — and the person has a demonstrable affection for America. Does our government give that would-be immigrant a presumption of innocence? Hell no! It’s a rigorous process.

I know this to be true. I spent many years in federal law enforcement, prosecuting and supervising many immigration cases, and other kinds of cases (international organized crime, terrorism) in which the immigration status of various defendants and witnesses was a major factor. I have had friends and relatives who’ve gone through the process of legal immigration to the United States. It is not a lay-up, to put it mildly.

In what universe does it make sense to green-light the entry of a “migrant” from Taliban-ruled, sharia-supremacist Afghanistan, on the grounds that there is no known negative information on him, when we know — as FBI director Chris Wray conceded (I quoted him in my post) — that this person can’t be vetted? How is it that American national-security officials, under Biden protocols, say, “You’re not on the terrorist watch-list, so come on in, and we’ll catch up with you later if something turns up . . . or blows up”?

Sorry, my head is exploding.

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