The Corner

Politics & Policy

Another Progressive Grasps the Truth about the Democratic Party

Readers might remember the turmoil at Evergreen State College in Washington State back in 2017, when a white professor defied a demand by militant black students that all white people take a day off from campus.

That professor was Bret Weinstein, a devoted social-justice advocate who could not see how depriving students of a day of learning could possibly do anything to improve the situation of blacks. Here’s an article on that ridiculous confrontation.

Professor Weinstein has continued to learn from the antics of the Left.  As we read here, he now says that the Democratic Party has become an “existential threat” to the future of the country.

First RFK Jr. and now Bret Weinstein. Could there be a stampede of left-of-center thinkers who realize that the Democrats are rapidly pushing us into omnipotent government?

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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