The Corner


Anonymous Cardinal Gives Pre-Conclave Memo Chastising Pope Francis

Two years ago, a memo went around the College of Cardinals in the Catholic Church signed by “Demos” — later revealed to be Cardinal Pell, who has since died.

A “Demos II” memo has appeared, framing the church’s current situation as it slowly gathers itself for the end of this papacy and a new conclave. Pope Francis is widely rumored to be unwell and was rushed to the hospital due to the flu this week.

Demos II candidly outlines what the author sees as defects of the current pontificate: “an autocratic, at times seemingly vindictive, style of governance; a carelessness in matters of law; an intolerance for even respectful disagreement; and — most seriously — a pattern of ambiguity in matters of faith and morals causing confusion among the faithful.” Later, the memo raises alarms about the pope’s overweening dependence on the Jesuit order and a small “oligarchy of confidants.”

The memo proposes that the cardinals in the next conclave seek a candidate who is boldly orthodox but not an authoritarian in style of governance. Read the whole thing here.

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