The Corner

Angle Sends Flowers, Behar Fumes

Yesterday, The View’s Joy Behar said “She’s [Sharron Angle] going to hell, this bitch!” Behar also compared Angle’s latest ad to a “Hitler Youth” commercial.

So today, Angle sent Behar flowers, with a note thanking Behar for helping her raise $150,000 online yesterday.

So what was Behar’s gracious response? “I’d like to point out that those flowers were picked by illegal immigrants,” she tartly said. “And they’re not voting for you, bitch.”

(One would hope they’re not voting at all, actually.)

And when Barbara Walters told Behar she shouldn’t be saying that anyone was going to be in Hell, Behar responded with another logical tour de force, “I don’t believe in Hell. And I don’t believe she’s going there.”

“She [Angle] could have taken that $500 [Behar’s guess for the cost of the flowers] and maybe had some sensitivity training with it. … Don’t send me flowers, Sharron. Put your money where your mouth is,” Behar said.

Who wants to bet that Harry Reid campaign staffers are already calling up Behar and begging her to stop being Angle’s best fundraiser?

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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