The Corner


Andrea Tantaros Is Intellectually Dishonest

Andrea Tantaros believes herself to be under attack from mean, sexist Republican men. She counts me among them, though I am not actually a Republican. She claims that I either created or passed on a meme directed toward her featuring “a girl talking about biorhythms.” Tantaros, a Fox news figure and a Trumpkin, ought to be something of an expert on gynecologically oriented criticism directed at media figures.

The fact is that I have never written, said, tweeted, forwarded, or referenced anything at all having to do with women and their biorhythms in regard to Tantaros. (Or anything else that I can think of, for that matter.) Like billions of men walking the face of this good green Earth, I have never, until this moment, spent a millisecond contemplating Andrea Tantaros’s biological cycles. I shall return to that blessed state of non-contemplation immediately after posting this.

Her claim is a complete fiction, a total invention. It is not something that is taken out of context, or misconstrued, or even willfully distorted — it is a fabrication. Andrea Tantaros is intellectually dishonest, and she is making fictitious claims about what I have said and written.

The mean Mr. Williamson was “trying to make me seem stupid,” she said.

I have nothing to add to that. 

Kevin D. Williamson is a former fellow at National Review Institute and a former roving correspondent for National Review.
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