The Corner

And Still More Praise For Nr’s Children Treasuries

Joining the chorus singing the praises of The National Review Treasury of Classic Children’s Literature and The National Review Treasury of Classic Bedtime Stories is our good friend, mega-syndicated columnist Cal Thomas, who says:

“These are great. If children can be taught to read and appreciate good literature at an early age, it helps serve as a moral, intellectual and cultural deterrent to the stuff they are being forced-fed by the pagan and dishonest media.”

Cal’s dead-on, and no word-mincer. Of course, the most important two words of his are “good literature” — that’s precisely what these books consist of (there’s no heavy-handed sermonizing in these pages — just good, wholesome, beautifully written and illustrated stories!) With Christmas looming these books are the best thing you can give a child or a family: they have real worth and lasting value, and will will help shape children into being good, decent, moral folk. Order any or all of our great titles: the original edition or “Volume Two” of The National Review Treasury of Classic Children’s Literature, and our new book designed especially for new and beginning readers, The National Review Treasury of Classic Bedtime Stories (a lavishly illustrated collection of enchanting stories by the great Thornton Burgess). They are the perfect Christmas gifts (they’ll not only last a lifetime — they’ll influence a child’s entire life!). Order here.

By the way, don’t forget to watch After Hours with Cal Thomas on Fox News Channel, Saturdays at 11 p.m. Eastern Time!

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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