The Corner

And Durbin Refuses to Apologize

From that same Washington Times piece:

Mr. Durbin quickly appeared on the Senate floor but offered no apology. He read that part of his speech again. He said he had read earlier from an FBI’s agent letter on harsh treatment of suspected terrorists and had compared such treatment to what would be found under the Soviet gulag, Nazis and Pol Pot.

“To suggest I’m criticizing American servicemen, I am not,” Mr. Durbin said. “I don’t know who was responsible for this. But the FBI agent made this report … I was attributing this form of interrogation to repressive regimes.

“Now sadly we have a situation here where some in the right wing media have said that I’ve been insulting men and women in uniform. Nothing could be further from the truth. I respect men and women in the uniform.”

It’s the right-wing media’s fault. It has nothing to do with what you said–comparing our servicemen to the Third Reich and other evil regimes.

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