The Corner

Politics & Policy

Anchoring Conservative Principles

The Washington Examiner reports:

Former Vice President Mike Pence said on Monday that he is strengthening his effort to bring the Republican Party’s wandering into populism back to Ronald Reagan-style conservatism, which many consider the original GOP populist position.

Specifically, Pence is expanding Advancing American Freedom, which he founded.

Pence reinforced his goals with changes to his organization on Monday. Tim Chapman, who was a senior adviser to AAF, will be promoted to president. Paul Teller, who has served as the group’s executive director since its founding, will be executive vice president.

Both are well-known activists in the conservative movement.

In a statement shared with Secrets, AAF said, “These changes come at a time of upheaval in the conservative movement, where Advancing American Freedom will continue to stand for the time-honored principles that have created a winning movement for the last 40 years. Earlier this year, AAF announced a goal of $20 million for its overall 2024 budget and is currently on track to meet or exceed that goal. These personnel advancements reflect a commitment by the AAF board of directors, its founder Mike Pence, and our many supporters across the nation to build a permanent beachhead for conservative principles in Washington, D.C.”

Chapman and Teller are terrific choices to lead this important institution. Among their priorities: Renewing the 2017 Trump tax cuts and building support for Israel.

New AAF president Tim Chapman: “Advancing American Freedom has become the anchor for conservative principles amidst the winds on the Right that have strayed from those conservative principles.”

Chapman is, of course, correct. The populism and nationalism of the past eight years are fundamentally at odds with conservative principles. More importantly, populist and nationalist policies will hurt typical workers and families, and are a threat to long-term prosperity.

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