The Corner


An Admission, of Sorts

CNN host and senior media correspondent Brian Stelter speaks an event in New York, November 6, 2017. (Andrew Kelly/Reuters)

Alexandra — notwithstanding Kate Smith’s defensiveness, I took the whole “congrats on your new job at the abortion mill!” segment as a confirmation that Smith, Stelter, and many others in their position, are essentially giving up. They’ve been exposed for what they are, and they’re getting tired of pretending otherwise. Taken together, the last few days have been rather revealing. CBS’s abortion correspondent has gone to work for Planned Parenthood. The White House Correspondents’ Dinner was nothing less than a homecoming event for the progressive-media complex. The president’s press secretary has gone to work for MSNBC, having handed the reins over to a figure who is in a relationship with a star reporter at CNN. They’ve been caught, and they’re flaunting it.

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