The Corner

America Alone

In at the office this morning, tried to cadge a copy of Mark Steyn’s book from Mike Potemra.  (Literary editors often have more than one copy of a book lying around.)  No, said Mike, he’d only had one copy, and it had gone to the reviewer (Stanley Kurtz in our current issue).

Went down to the Borders on 2nd Avenue.  Their computer showed three copies, but when they checked the shelves, they’d all gone.  “Sometimes the computer doesn’t keep up,” explained the lady.

Home to Huntington, to our big indie bookseller, the Book Revue.  They’d had some copies, but were all sold out, and their supplier was too.

Finally tracked down a copy at the B&N in Huntington Station.

That sound you hear?  Oh, that’s the envious gnashing of the teeth of people who write political books, watching America Alone fly off the shelves.

[Consolation prize:  I got two entries in the index, Jonah only one.  Ha!] 

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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