The Corner


Eric Alterman — who left quite a bit to be desired as a landlord — says I had to forfeit my security deposit when I rented his apartment years ago. If that’s the case, I’ll take his word for it. Personally, I don’t remember. Of course, it makes sense that he would remember considering how important money seemed to him then and now. I don’t just mean his public whining about late payments from NRO (it’s the first I’ve heard about it to be honest). I mean, for example, his trying to bully me into buying his old DC metro fare-cards from him (“What? You conservatives don’t take public transportation? You must take cabs everywhere.”etc. etc.).

Eric says he won’t call me names — in what he must think is an example of taking the high road, and for him it is. So, I won’t call him names either. But he says my article is “full of it” — and that “that goes without saying.” And, in fairly typical fashion, he doesn’t offer any arguments or facts to back up the assertion (except to name a few lefties to his left). So, I guess I should say that I think his book is full of it too. But then again I actually back up my opinions. My review of his book will be in the next issue of The American Enterprise. I wrote it last week.

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