The Corner

Alito and Cap: Nothing There

Judiciary Committee staffers working on the Alito nomination have finished reviewing the Rusher papers concerning Concerned Alumni of Princeton. These are the results of the examination, from an internal Republican memo:

Committee Staff reviewed more than four boxes of documents from the personal files of William Rusher concerning CAP.

Judge Alito’s name NEVER appears in any document of any kind anywhere:

* His name was not mentioned in any of the letters to or from founder William Rusher.

* His name was not mentioned in any of the letters to or from CAP’s long-time Executive Director T. Harding Jones.

* His name does not appear anywhere in the dozens of letters to CAP or from CAP.

* The files contain canceled checks for subscriptions to CAP’s magazine, Prospect, but none from Judge Alito.

* The files contain dozens of articles, including investigative exposés written at the height of the organization’s prominence, but Sam Alito’s name is nowhere to be found in any of them.

* Rusher’s files contain lists of the board of directors, the advisory board, and contributors to both CAP and Prospect magazine, but none of the lists contains Alito’s name.

* Tellingly, the files contain minutes and attendance records from CAP meetings in 1983 and 1984—just before Alito listed the organization on his job application, but Alito did not attend those meetings and he was not even mentioned in the minutes.

* The files contain dozens of issues of CAP’s magazine, but none of the articles was written by, quoted, or even mentioned Sam Alito.

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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