The Corner


The fundamental evil of the Islamist ideology is that if you don’t submit to their will, they feel free to commit any crime against you, and then they blame it on you.  We see this when even clerics in London blame cases of rape on the victim’s failure to dress properly.  And the failure of the Islamic moderates — and many liberals here at home — is that when you talk about the crime, oftentimes they also blame it on you.

That was my thought for Thursday morning.  Later, I came across the translation of an Ahmadinejad speech broadcast on 20 October, in which he had these nice things to say:

Our proposal [to the supporters of Israel] is as follows: Since you brought this regime over there, you yourselves pick it up, by the arms and legs, and remove it from there.  This will make the peoples of the region improve their attitude towards you.

Comments like this have become so commonplace that most people barely notice them anymore.  But I am now reading for the first time a book I should have read as soon as it came out, and which everyone should read: Future Jihad by Walid Phares.  It is a history of jihad (not the spiritual kind) going back to the dawn of Islam, and it explains how the ideology has produced a strategy for world victory which is advancing from Indonesia to Europe and beyond.  The book is chilling, and from what you come to understand in reading it, comments like Ahmadinejad’s most recent speech take on a deeper and much more terrifying meaning.  He is more confident of victory than we are — and it’s not because he’s stupid. 

I am starting to agree more and more with New Gingrich that we are already fighting World War III and need to wake up to fact.  Ahmadinejad has essentially announced that Iran will not be bound by the nuclear nonproliferation treaty or the U.N. Charter, opting instead for the aggressive and illegal acquisition of an nuclear weapons capability, all along stating his goals as ultimatums to the west.  Meanwhile, the virulent Islamist ideology is slowly eclipsing moderates in governments from Indonesia and Pakistan to Egypt and France. 

As he said in his speech: “At the end of the day these are all ultimatums.  No one should complain tomorrow.  The things are stated clearly.”  He is promising that he will defeat us.  What is our response?

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