The Corner


Via the Guardian:

The European Union, self-styled global champion in the battle against climate change, is falling woefully short of its targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions and will need to take radical measures to achieve them, new projections have shown. The European commission said that, based on current measures and policies, the emissions of the EU’s original 15 members will be just 0.6% below 1990 levels by 2010. The EU-15 countries are committed under the Kyoto protocol to an 8% cut on 1990 levels by 2012. The new figures predict that emissions in 2010 will actually be 0.3% higher than they were in 2004.

One of the EU countries set to exceed its limits is, I note, the rotten, corrupt, undemocratic, anti-American, preachy little imitation of a state that goes under the name of Belgium, home of the Brussels Commission.

To quote, yet again, the great Oscar, it would take a heart of stone not to laugh.

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