The Corner

Abu Ghraib Ain’t Us: “Exactly The Opposite of What I Saw”

That’s the point of Rich’s column and it’s the experience of so many servicemen e-mailing me today. Here’s one particularly revealing:

Today you reprinted in the Corner some reactions to the Abu Gharib story

from readers actually deployed in Iraq. I’ve just returned home from my

Iraq rotation: when I was there, I worked for a unit that (among other

things) interrogated high-value detainees — the “deck of cards” and

others. Not only did we have no abuse problem, we had just the opposite:

our MP’s were too nice to the detainees. It was sort of a reverse

Stockholm Syndrome. We had to screen some raw documentary footage for the

MPs, showing them explicitly the sort of atrocities committed by the

former regime. After that they understood that no matter how friendly and

harmless they might seem now, these guys are seriously bad dudes who

did some seriously evil things. Of course we still had to treat them

humanely and wouldn’t have dreamt of doing otherwise, but we also didn’t

want the detainees forgetting that they were in prison, not a slightly

down-market summer camp or retirement home.

Why was Abu Gharib different? Lots of reasons, probably — but from my

own experience, which included working with detainees and MPs and

interrogators, I can say that the abusive behavior by the guards there

was not only atypical but exactly the opposite of what I saw.

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