The Corner

Abortion in New York: A Poll and a City Council Bill

Today’s release of polling data showing that a significant majority of New Yorkers think their city’s abortion rate is too high was perfectly timed. Tomorrow the New York City Council votes on a bill that would force pregnancy care centers to prominently post notices that they don’t perform abortions. The probable passage of Bill #371 was one of the main topics of conversation at a luncheon following the memorial mass for Dr. Bernard Nathanson yesterday in New York.

What a horrible irony that, in the city that leads our country in the number of abortions, the abortion lobby is going after the people who are doing the most to help women in need. This is just the latest in a campaign of intimidation against pregnancy care centers — it’s a breathtaking piece of draconian legislation that requires volunteers to recite government-mandated language about the fact that they don’t perform abortions every time they answer the phone. Penalties include possible jailtime.

Charmaine Yoest is president of Americans United for Life.

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