The Corner

Politics & Policy

Abortion Lobby Doesn’t Want Women Informed About Choices

Pro-abortion types claim they are “pro-choice.” But they apparently don’t want women considering abortions to be fully informed about what it is that they are making a choice about, most particularly the nature of the being that is the subject of the decision to be made.

Witness the brouhaha over Senator Bernie Sanders and Keith Ellison endorsing Democrat candidate for mayor of Omaha, Heath Mello. NARAL, the Daily Kos, and others have gone into a fit because Mello is “anti-abortion.”

At least that what Politico calls Mellow in its headline about the story. Let’s see what theocratic imposition of anti-choice tyranny Mello supported. From, “DNC Rally with Anti-Abortion Candidate Fuels Backlash” (my emphasis):

The addition of an anti-abortion Nebraska mayoral candidate to a Democratic National Committee “unity tour” sparked blowback from the left on Thursday.

Democrat Heath Mello, a Bernie Sanders-backed candidate for mayor of Omaha, is scheduled to appear with Sanders and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), the DNC’s new deputy chair, at a sold-out rally on Thursday.

But Mello’s sponsorship of a 2009 state Senate bill to require women be informed of their right to request a fetal ultrasound before obtaining an abortion prompted a leading abortion-rights group to slam the DNC for elevating him.

Did you get that? Politico’s reporter, Elana Schor brands the very pro-choice Mello–who has expressed strong support for Planned Parenthood–”anti-abortion” because he supported a bill that requires abortionists to tell women they have a right to receive information that could impact their decision.  

The Hill deployed the same (for them) epithet to describe Mello, as did NPR

Notice that Mello did not support a bill that would in any way restrict access to abortion. Still, the usual suspects have had a conniption, joined by the abortion lobby’s mainstream media camp followers.

That’s not “pro-choice.” It’s pro-abortion. And it explains why the pro-life Democrat has become a more endangered species than the California condor.

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