The Corner

Politics & Policy

A Stark Difference Between Trump and Harris on Abortion

I understand why some pro-lifers are angry at Trump’s “reproductive freedom” comment. He’s so imprecise in his language, it’s frustrating. And who knows if he even understands the full meaning of that term as used in international and national politics.

But this certainly separates Trump from Harris: If she is elected, and the Congress goes Democrat, she will sign a radical abortion national-legalization bill into law. Indeed, pledging to do so was one of the few policy specifics Harris provided in her speech.

Trump advocates states deciding. Thus, if he is elected, he will veto national legalization.

If the interim goal of the pro-life movement is as few abortions as possible — while striving to convince the majority of people to accept the pro-life perspective, which could take decades — it seems to me that important distinction should matter for pro-lifers when deciding what to do in the voting booth.

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