The Corner


A Smashing Display of Faith

Behold! WWE star Hulk Hogan has committed himself and his otherworldly ability to “slam any giant of any size” to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

“Total surrender and dedication to Jesus is the greatest day of my life,” the 70-year-old said today, alongside photos from his baptism. He did, of course, don a trademark white bandana for the occasion.

A big ol’ congratulations and thank-you to brother Hulkster for that much-needed moment of holiday cheer. The wrestling god (lowercase-g) posted in April: “I accepted Christ as my savior at 14yrs old and the training, prayers and vitamins kept me in the game but now that I am one with God, the main event theme of surrender, service and love makes me the Real Main Event that can slam any giant of any size through the power of my Lord and Savior and so it is, even now brother, AMEN!”

AMEN! Jesus loves ya’, Hulk. Christian karaoke to celebrate?

Haley Strack is a William F. Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism and a recent graduate of Hillsdale College.
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