The Corner


A Sharp Exposé of Leftist Brainwashing on Campus

It’s no secret that leftists like to use our education system to spread their belief system. Students aren’t taught skills and knowledge so that they can evaluate the world on their own, but are propagandized to accept the “progressive” demand for virtually omnipotent government.

In today’s Martin Center article, Professor Stanley Ridgley of Drexel University writes about the way faculty, but especially administrators working in “student affairs” offices, go about brainwashing students — manipulating them to abandon their previous beliefs in freedom and individualism in favor of racial “equity” and collectivism.

He writes, “The folks who do the brainwashing are proud of what they do, serving the cause of social justice, and they share tactics and techniques with each other.”

They’re too cagey to say in public what they’re up to. They use euphemisms such as “transformative education” and “social justice education.” Sounds harmless, but they are deadly serious, just as the advocates of any cult are.

Ridgley calls out these cultists. “One of many brainwashing practitioners,” he writes, “is Lisa Spanierman, a professor of counseling psychology at Arizona State University. She has written extensively on the idea that racist white students—that is, all white students—can be moved along a conveyor belt from their current racist belief system to one in line with her social-justice activism.”

That’s their goal — turning students into activists for the panoply of leftist causes. They may not read or write well, but they’re primed for activism!

Ridgley concludes, “The brainwashers have constructed a dark world in our universities, and it will be difficult to root them out. Learning who they are and how they do it is a necessary first step.”

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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