The Corner


A Providential Calendar Invite

As just about everyone knows now, this week is the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

Also this week, Catholics are taking over Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis for a Eucharistic Congress. In Indianapolis, there will be more than turning down the political temperature, more than statements about thoughts and prayers. Upwards of 40,000 attendees will be pleading for a new Pentecost.

God knew we’d need a revival this week.

As Fr. Roger Landry wrote for the Wall Street Journal last week, people have been on pilgrimage from the four corners of the United States since May 18. Fr. Landry, along with some young people, is en route from New Haven to Indianapolis, mostly on foot. And with Jesus. On each pilgrimage journey, a priest daily blesses a new part of the land with the Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance:

 Many have asked us what we’re protesting, why we were parading, or simply what we were doing. When we say, “We’re walking with Jesus across the country,” the vast majority, Catholic or not, honk in support.

Starting Wednesday, Lucas Oil Stadium will glow bright with the light of renewal, sending the faithful forth to bless a nation in need of leaven.

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