The Corner


A Higher-Education Case in California That’s Both Appalling and Revealing

“Progressive” zealots have colonized most of our colleges and universities, using them to push their toxic beliefs while at the same time living very well. If you have any doubts, consider the case of former Bakersfield College history professor Matthew Garrett, who was targeted because he wasn’t a left-wing true believer and forced out by a cabal of faculty members and administrators.

On Minding the Campus, Wenyuan Wu writes about the case.

A slice:

The sharp contrast between enabling bad actors who uphold the woke orthodoxy and punishing dissenters is unfolding in a small California community college district. There, a conservative professor lost his job after exposing his school’s engagement with DEI, sued the school district and won a multi-million-dollar settlement. Yet, a top administrator who presided over the former professor’s investigation leading up to his termination and evidently cost the school district a fortune is getting a contractual renewal with a healthy pay raise.

So, thanks to the “progressives” who rule the roost, California has lost a good history professor, had to pay out a large settlement to cover the illegal wrangling of his ideological enemies, and now hands an official who could have stopped it a hefty pay raise.

This kind of thing is not, of course, confined to California.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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