The Corner


A Gutsy Young Woman

The campus of Yale University, October 26, 2018 (Brent Buterbaugh/National Review)

Sahar Tartak is an undergraduate at Yale. She is from Great Neck, N.Y. She was an intern at National Review last summer. She is the editor in chief of the Yale Free Press. And she is the latest guest on my Q&A podcast, here.

She talks about what it’s like to be Jewish and pro-Israel at Yale. And on many another college campus now (and often). It is not very pleasant, to put it mildly. Sahar is a gutsy young woman. She had an interesting experience with the Yale Daily News (of which William F. Buckley Jr., the founder of National Review, was once the chairman). She has had a number of interesting experiences.

(And you remember the proverbial Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times.”)

Anyway, I will keep my post here short. You will want to hear Sahar Tartak “in her own words,” as they say in courtroom dramas. Again, our Q&A is here. “Courage is contagious,” goes an old line (more of a wish?). May it prove so.

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