The Corner


The more I look at it, the more I am convinced that the plot in London is indeed connected to the much-discussed August 22nd Iranian “response” to our latest final proposal on their nuclear program.  Metaphorically, it fits:  lightning bolts in the skies, an epochal, world-changing event, as befits the terrorists’ celebration of Mohammed’s ride to heaven.

And notice that the Iranians have now backed off that date, blaming, of course, us.

I think that other events were and are planned around the same date, in several different countries.  Hardly anyone has noticed that the Germans found some bombs on their trains a few weeks ago.  And I expect that other allies will either find, or be subjected to, terrorist acts.

Why?  Because the Iranians believe their moment has come, and they are reinforced in believing that by the abject failure of their regime.  This combination of the realization of their failure in Iran and their belief that they can truly win their 27-year old war against us, is a very potent psychological force, and I think they are going to go all out to win, fast.

They think they have won, or are winning, in Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza, Somalia, and Afghanistan.  Why has nobody noticed the advance of the fanatics in Somalia, by the way?  Look at a map.  Find Somalia.  You see its strategic importance.  Then ask yourself what we will do when our ships are attacked by the same Iranian missiles that hit the Israeli gunship off the coast of Lebanon…

And then ask yourself why in the world a president who correctly insists that we are at war with Islamic Fascism cannot manage to support freedom in Iran and Syria?

If you’ve got an answer, I’d love to hear it.  It beats the bejeezus out of me.

Michael LedeenMichael Ledeen is an American historian, philosopher, foreign-policy analyst, and writer. He is a former consultant to the National Security Council, the Department of State, and the Department of Defense. ...
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