The Corner

200th Cabin Booked! #201 Waiting For You!

Just wanted to boast, and to see that th thingee that is so much in the news. By the way, you single folks out there who want to come on the National Review 2004 Post-Election Caribbean Cruise but find your inner wallflower is preventing your bon vivant Id from signing up, stop girlie-manning! Sign up: So far over 60 unattached souls–all sexes, ages, makes, and models–are coming. You won’t be a 5th wheel (there’s that th again!) or the odd man/woman out. Odds are you’ll be the life of the party (make that parties–a number are planned), and you’re sure to make a gaggle of new friends (and who knows, maybe a future better half!).

Whether or not a Love Boat experience awaits, we promise you will be amazed by the wit and wisdom dispensed–during our seminars, at cocktail receptions and smokers, and over intimate dinners–by our All Star speaker line-up of Bernard Lewis, Victor Davis Hanson, Dick Morris, Rep. Pat Toomey, Ed Gillespie, Stephen Moore, John Hillen, Dinesh D’Souza, Michelle Malkin, John Derbyshire, John O’Sullivan, Rich Lowry, Ramesh Ponnuru, and Jay Nordlinger. That alone is worth coming.

Come on, you want to. Do it! One of the few remaining available cabins has your name on it, unless you dawdle, but won’t happen, because right now you’re going to to sign up!

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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