The Corner


…to come on the National Review 2006 Post-Election Mexico Cruise this November 11-18:

Milton Friedman

Bill Buckley

Robert Bork

Victor Davis Hanson

Bernard Lewis

Kenneth Starr

Mark Steyn

Pat Toomey

Norman Podhoretz

Midge Decter

Dinesh D’Souza

Ward Connerly

Cliff May

Rich Lowry

Kate O’Beirne

Jay Nordlinger

Ramesh Ponnuru

John O’Sullivan

David Pryce-Jones

Over 230 cabins have been booked. Over 400 fellow conservatives will be there. A phenomenal time is expected. Just a few staterooms remain. Get yours while it’s still available. Sign up now at

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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