Bench Memos

Law & the Courts

Charlotte, D.C., and Philadelphia Events

I have six events over the next week:

This Friday, February 2, I’ll be in the Charlotte area for two events: a lunchtime discussion of Scalia Speaks and judicial nominations, sponsored by the Charlotte lawyers chapter of the Federalist Society; and an evening presentation on Scalia Speaks at Belmont Abbey College.

On Monday, February 5, at noon, I’ll be discussing the federal judicial-selection process in D.C. with Russell Wheeler of the Brookings Institution and Adam White of the Hoover Institution. The event is sponsored by the Capitol Hill chapter of the Federalist Society.

On Tuesday, February 6, at noon, George Washington law dean Alan B. Morrison will host a conversation between me and David Dorsen regarding our Scalia books. (Mr. Dorsen is the author of The Unexpected Scalia: A Conservative Justice’s Liberal Opinions.) The event is sponsored by the law school’s Federalist Society chapter.

On Wednesday, February 7, at noon, I’ll be at Villanova law school to discuss Scalia Speaks with law professor Michael P. Moreland. The event is jointly sponsored by the law school’s Eleanor H. McCullen Center for Law, Religion and Public Policy (which Moreland directs) and its Federalist Society chapter.

On the evening of Wednesday, February 7, I will be taking part in a National Constitution Center event on “Justice Antonin Scalia: Life and Legacy.”

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