Bench Memos

Wellstone vs. Roberts; Left Puppetmasters Issue Warning

People for the American Way is not moving on. Their latest e-mail:

Dear KAthryn,

It’s not just about winning or losing, it’s about whether our leaders are willing to defend our core values.

We won’t lie to you — John Roberts did a great job smooth-talking his way through his hearings (while saying very little). With some notable exceptions, few senators were appropriately outraged at Roberts’ appalling record, non-responsiveness, and deceptive answers. Some of our leaders seem afraid to take a stand against Roberts. 

Progressive activists have long been demanding that their leaders take principled stands for our core values — voting rights, women’s rights, environmental rights, privacy rights, and reproductive rights. Now is the time for us to remind our leaders that their job is to do the right thing. The vote on Roberts’ nomination is about much more than whether he should become our nation’s next chief justice. It’s about whether our leaders are going to stand up for our core values or cave when push comes to shove.

The progressive community needs to remind our national leaders that if they won’t stand up for our values when we need them, we won’t be there for them. We need to hold our leaders accountable — tell them to vote no on Roberts because it’s the right thing to do.

To paraphrase the late Sen. Paul Wellstone, we have to be in a fight to win one. The battle over Roberts is a crucial installment in our ongoing war against the right wing’s effort to roll back the progressive gains of the last century.

No one’s guaranteeing that we’ll win this round, but we cannot desert the battlefield.

If your senators support voting rights, women’s rights, environmental rights, privacy rights, and reproductive rights, demand they stand up for their values by voting NO ON ROBERTS.

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