Bench Memos

Three interesting items . . .

1) The Jewdicious Blog has an updated Roberts vote head-count, currently at 67 declared yeas, 15 nays, 18 undeclared.

2) Last week had an eye-opening analysis of why abortion would remain legal if Roe v. Wade were corrected.

3) On a related note, our friends at the Life Legal Defense Fund sent us a useful 50-state survey of pro-life vs. pro-choice opinion. The poll, by SurveyUSA of Verona, N.J., implies that even if Roe were reversed–which, BTW, will not be determined by Justice O’Connor’s replacement–currently only nine states have significant pro-life majorities. Certainly among the most populous states, for better or worse, abortion seems likely to remain available, even without Roe.

(Reporters, please remember this when NARAL et al. go bonkers over “reproductive rights” during the next SCOTUS confirmation battle.)

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