Bench Memos

Law & the Courts

This Day in Liberal Judicial Activism—August 26

2009—In what Fourth Amendment expert Orin Kerr describes as the “most free-wheeling, ‘look ma no hands’ legal decision I’ve read in a long time,” a limited en banc panel of the Ninth Circuit, in a majority opinion by Chief Judge Alex Kozinski (in United States v. Comprehensive Drug Testing, Inc.), announces a set of new rules governing searches and seizures of electronic records. Among the rules:  “Magistrates should insist that the government waive reliance upon the plain view doctrine in digital evidence cases.”

In his partial dissent, Judge Carlos Bea complains that the majority’s “bright-line diktats” effect a “dramatic doctrinal shift” in a “rapidly developing area” and that the majority should instead have limited its decision “as precisely as possible to the case at hand.” Kerr observes that the court’s “laundry list of brand-new rules, introduced with no citations to any authority,” reminds him of the Warren Court’s inventions in Miranda v. Arizona.

One year later, in response to the Department of Justice’s petition for full en banc rehearing, the en banc panel will quietly amend its opinion to eliminate the set of new rules.

2020—A divided Fourth Circuit panel rules in Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board rules that a school board violated the Equal Protection and Title IX rights of a “transgender male”—i.e., a female who identified as male—when it assigned multi-user restrooms on the basis of sex and made single-user restrooms available to all students. The Fourth Circuit panel majority rests its legal analysis on the extraordinary assertion that a girl who identifies as a boy is in fact a boy. That assertion contradicts Justice Gorsuch’s statutory analysis in Bostock v. Clayton County, which hinges on the proposition that a woman who identifies as a man is in fact a woman. (In June 2021 the Supreme Court will deny the school board’s petition for certiorari.)

2020—A Ninth Circuit panel rules (in City of Oakland v. Wells Fargo) that the city of Oakland was entitled to pursue its claim that Wells Fargo’s allegedly discriminatory lending practices had reduced its property-tax revenues.

In September 2021, a unanimous Ninth Circuit en banc court will reverse the panel. Relying heavily on a Supreme Court decision from 2017, the court will explain:

The City of Oakland … claims that Wells Fargo’s discriminatory lending practices caused higher default rates, which in turn triggered higher foreclosure rates that drove down the assessed value of properties, and which ultimately resulted in lost property tax revenue and increased municipal expenditures. These downstream “ripples of harm” are too attenuated and travel too “far beyond” Wells Fargo’s alleged misconduct to establish proximate cause.

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